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Apply for the CSTI 2024 Awards or Nominate your Project

Silent heroes, we want to hear from you!

Let the 4th Annual CSTI Summit & Awards 2024 share your achievements with the world!

You can now apply for nomination by clicking on the "Apply Here" button below. 

On enquiries related to the filing of your award application, please email us at

End User & Individual Category

Cybersecurity Leader of the Year:

Recognizing an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the cybersecurity field.

Cybersecurity Innovator of the Year:

Recognizing an individual who has introduced innovative solutions or approaches to cybersecurity challenges.

Cybersecurity Team of the Year:

Awarding a team that has collaborated effectively to achieve cybersecurity goals or overcome challenges.

Cybersecurity Rising Star:

Recognizing a young professional who shows great promise and potential in the cybersecurity field.

for End User & Individual Category submit here

Service Provider Category

Best Threat Intelligence Solution:

Awarding the solution that provides the most valuable and actionable threat intelligence.

Most Innovative Cybersecurity Solution:

Awarding the solution that introduces new and groundbreaking cybersecurity technologies or approaches.

Best Data Protection Solution:

Awarding the solution that excels in protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access or theft.

Best Network Security Solution:

Awarding the solution that provides the most effective protection for network infrastructure.

Best Cloud Security Solution:

Recognizing the solution that excels in securing cloud environments and data.

Submissions are open till 26th April 2024.

for Service Provider Category submit here

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